Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Tie A Shoe

In doing the "how to" assignment my first issue was deciding on what idea i was going to produce. The example online was how to make a pizza which I thought was pretty simple and i wanted to do something else. My first ideas were how to juggle a soccer ball, how to cast a fishing pole, and how to swing a baseball bat. These three ideas I decided however would be to difficult for me to draw with my lack of artistic ability. I then came up with the idea of how to tie a shoe. It is something that everyone does everyday so everybody should be able to recognize what a shoe looks like without it being labeled. Point of view was an issue for me. I had to find a point of view to draw from where the laces could clearly be seen. A birds eye view ended up being the best option. Also when tying a shoe, the laces need to be overlapped and knotted, etc and i knew this was going to be a challenge to make visually. People need to see exactly where the laces are and the formations they are in if they are going to be able to successfully tie a shoe from my graphical instructions. To solve this issue I color coded the shoe laces I was drawing. I made one red and one green so that both the colors would grab the viewers eye. I know that a lot of people (children) have been taught by their parents, friends, or teachers to use a "bunny ears" method of tying a shoe. I wanted to incorporate this into my design. When it came to the step of creating the bunny ear shapes with the laces I also drew the head of a bunny with the ears in the same shape as the laces. When one of the laces is then looped around the other, I also drew the bunny ears doing the same motion. Because we were not allowed to use words I decided the best way to show that the laces needed to be pulled in opposite directions from each other would be to use arrows sense that is a fairly universal symbol. When my basic structure was complete, i wanted to make it more visually appealing as a whole while not taking away from or complicating any of the visual communication. I used I think a total of four colors in my assignment. I felt like this would keep things simple. I wanted it to be simple because anytime you are trying to learn a new thing, it makes it easier if it is in simple terms. Also, i felt four colors would be enough to make the entire assignment pleasing to the eyes. I chose bright colors with lots of contrast. Overall I think it came out all right but I won't know until someone tries to tie a shoe based on my assignment.

1 comment:

  1. Geoff -- actually the one online WAS the assignment. I wanted How to Make a Pizza. I'm sorry if this wasn't clear to you. Also, be careful that you don't fixate on certain principles as if they were the sole concern. The 4-color problem in mapping does not apply to everything. It's better to make sure that whatever you are trying to convey be as true to the mental model of the viewer as is necessary. I cannot give you full points because the first criteria would be to do what was assigned. But you did good work so I will give you partial points... on the high side.
